1. Web3.0:User-led network ecology

1) Web1.0 ——“Readable”

With the emergence of the "WWW," people began to create various types of displayable information on the page, such as news, information, pictures, and so on. The resources on the Internet can be displayed intuitively in a webpage using the Web, and the resources can be linked on the webpage. Many well-known companies, such as Google and Yahoo, were founded during this time period. They created various portals by displaying various web pages, then enticed users to click and watch, allowing companies to customize advertisements and realize attracting traffic. Later, we referred to this period as Web1.0 (from about 1991 to 2004). In Web 1.0, there are very few content creators, and most users only use it as reading media. The Internet was viewed at the time as a way to democratize information access, but there was no good way to navigate other than visiting friends' GeoCities pages. This is a very chaotic and disorderly situation. Web1.0 is distinguished by the fact that websites provide content and users can read content only.

2) Web2.0 ——“Readable and Writable”

There was no such thing as Web1.0 when the concept of Web2.0 was proposed. DCloudChaty DiNucci invented Web2.0 in 1999, and Tim O'Reilly and Dale Dougherty promoted it at the O'Reilly Media Web2.0 conference at the end of 2004. Only then was Web2.0 more widely accepted. To differentiate, the previous network development period is referred to as Web1.0.

However, as more people enter the networking industry, some new business models emerge, such as the emergence of blogs and Facebook social platforms. The most notable feature of these websites and applications is that they enable users to independently generate content, interact with websites and others, and connect with one another, which is a hallmark of Web2.0. It is not a replacement process to go from "read-only" in Web1.0 to "interaction" in Web2.0. Although most Internet applications and products are now Web2.0, there are still many Web1.0 projects in operation. Many Web2.0 practitioners are also thinking about how the Internet should evolve in the future.

Platforms such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter have brought order to the Internet by making online connections and transactions easier. Critics argue that these companies have amassed far too much power in the Web2.0 era. These Web2.0 technology behemoths have emerged as major intermediaries and gatekeepers of the Internet. Most of what we do on the Internet today, such as searching, connecting with people, and sharing content, are forced to rely on invisible service codes with property rights developed by these companies and are powerless to intervene.

3) Web3.0 ——“Readable and Writable and Ownable”

All of this will change dramatically in the Web3.0 era: the Web3.0 world will be completely open, and users' behavior will not be constrained by ecological isolation. Encryption algorithms and distributed storage will protect user privacy. In the world of Web3.0, users will create and dominate content and applications, fully realizing user co-construction and co-governance (DAO, decentralized governance), and users will share the value of platforms (protocols). Web3.0 will bring new ways of traffic entry, in addition to completely different Internet modes and user experiences.

Web3.0 is an enhancement to Web2.0, which is roughly labeled with four points:

  • System of unified identity authentication

  • Validation and authorization of data

  • Anti-censorship and privacy protection

  • Decentralized management

Numerous new applications (Dapp) have been born as a result of the distributed technology represented by blockchain, ranging from a decentralized experiment to a decentralized intelligent contract platform. In the digital world, DeFi has gradually formed a "financial service," whereas NFT has accelerated the asset chain. We can see that users are getting closer to an integrated digital world outside of the traditional world both online and offline. People are now calling for a brand-new network world-meta-universe that can faithfully carry personal social identity and assets, and the community will have greater dominance.

The Web 3.0 technology is composed of three layers: the protocol, the application, and the network foundation. All of this is primarily based on blockchain development. Web 3.0 covers DAO, privacy, application, storage and data, games, creator's economic platform, social networking, and other fields that overlap with Web2.0.

With the rapid growth of the cryptocurrency industry in the last two years, a large number of Web3.0 applications have emerged. Of course, the majority of these applications may end up being transitional products. Even some applications have flaws in their economic models and solutions to user pain points, and they do not demonstrate more real needs than Web2.0. In any case, the Web3.0 ecology has started.

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